How often should I test my emergency lighting?

Emergency Lighting Testing

Emergency lighting systems are a legal requirement for any commercial premises and as such there are also requirements as to when they need to be tested. Given the vital role emergency lighting will play in a situation where the buildings power fails or staff need to evacuate the building due to a range of emergencies […]

Emergency Lighting : Save Time And Money

Whether you manage, install, design, or maintain emergency lighting systems, saving time and money is an important consideration. Most of the time, investing in a new system for your building facility comes down to balancing two things; function and budget. Your emergency lighting system needs to keep your building safe and compliant, and should be […]

What is the annual NICEIC inspection and what does it entail?

As a fully fledged member of the NICEIC (national inspection council for electrical installation contractors) for many years. Certain criteria has to be met to maintain membership of the organisation. Part of this criteria is a yearly inspection which is carried out by our local Senior Inspector for the NICEIC –  Richard White. We recently […]

Amendment 3 to BS7671 – What is it and how to comply

AMENDMENT 3 TO BS 7671:2008 IS PUBLISHED IN JANUARY 2015 This gives everyone within the electrical industry, six months to gain a full understanding of the regulations before they come in to force on 1st July 2015. The new regulation covers the requirements for Electrical Installations – and the resulting changes on the design, erection and […]


LED lighting and controls

Solar and battery storage

Emergency lighting and compliance

Metering and measurement

Power infrastructure




Office and industry

Manufacturing and warehouses



Retail and hospitality

High-end residential

Public sector