Powercor UV-C disinfection lighting for offices, retail and hospitality

UV-C Lighting can aid return to work COVID concerns

The increasing roll out of the COVID-19 vaccines is set to signal an easing of the current lockdown restrictions and a return to work in the coming months is now a real possibility.

However, with the virus still a major concern, firms are looking at the ways in which they can ensure their premises are COVID secure, including the use of UV-C lighting.

Given the forced move to remote working in the past year many staff have concerns over a return to the workplace and greater social interaction.

Companies are having to consider what systems they need to have in place which demonstrate to employees that their premises are virus free, and that steps will be taken to reduce the spread of the virus in the workplace if not eradicated.

The disinfection of offices via the use of detergents and rigorous clearing will undoubtedly be a popular response, but the nature of a virus is that it can exist in the air along with being found on doors, windows and worktops. It can make physical cleaning a challenge, but the answer can be as simple as switching on a light.

Use of UV lighting in hospitals and government buildings

For over four decades, hospitals and government buildings have used Ultra-Violet (UV) light to safely and effectively neutralise viruses and bacteria.

While we all know that UV-A and UV-B rays are contained in sunlight a third UIV light is also emitted and one that can make a major difference to the fight against germs.

In sunlight UV-C rays are filtered by the earth’s atmosphere, but they have been proven to be an effective weapon against viruses and bacteria.

UV-C lighting products use ultraviolet light to inactivate microorganisms like viruses and bacteria, making them harmless to humans. UV-C disrupts the DNA or RNA that enables those viruses and bacteria to multiply.

As a Signify Certified Value Added Partner, Powercor can provide customers with the full range of UV-C lighting solutions created by Philips.

UV-C lighting solutions work in different ways.

The first is as a surface disinfection system where the UV-C light is transmitted directly into surface killing the viruses or bacteria which have been deposited on the surfaces within a room or defined area.

UV-C direct exposure for humans can cause damage to the eyes and skin in a matter of minutes. Therefore, the surface disinfection systems are operated when the premises are unoccupied and is often use overnight, ensuring the workspace is clean for the staff’s return the following day.

Sanitise air in working spaces.

UC-C lighting can also be safely used to sanitise the air con in offices, shops, meeting rooms or other premises while staff are working.

Upper air disinfection systems are placed above the height of staff, traditionally 2.5 metres or higher, and the UV-C beams are directed horizontally to clean the air which is circulated around the room removing germs without impacting the people below.

The manufacture and use of UV-C lighting is subject to standards created by the Global Lighting Association. All of Signify’s UV-C products meet those high standards.

Given the need for safety UV-C lighting products are designed and intended to be used by trained professionals who take the appropriate safety precautions.

Itilise UV-C lighting systems to their full effect.

From survey, design, installation through to training and comprehensive support and advice services, Powercor ensures our clients can safely utilise UV-C lighting systems to their full effect.

With our knowledge and expertise, we ensure that any installation with our name on it reaches all recommended standards.

We’ve got the solutions you need to not only improve your compliance and confidence in your system but provide your staff with the confidence that their office space is one where viruses and bacteria are being effectively and efficiently eradicated.

For more information

For more information on UV-C Light Technology or a quote, please contact Powercor on 01932 839 890 or email sales@powercor.co.uk.

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