An insight into a Electrical Apprenticeship role

At Powercor, we are passionate about training young individuals. Our Apprentices are the future Electricians and Technicians of Powercor, so we do our best to ensure that they receive the necessary training & guidance to help them complete their Apprenticeship and their qualifications.

James Tedder

James Tedder – 2nd Year Apprentice

James started with us straight from School, with no prior industry knowledge. He has taken on the challenge well by excelling at College with JTL training, working hard and applying his knowledge on site – He has become a real asset to our team!

Below, James answers a few key questions on why he chose to train for an Electrical qualification, how he gained an Apprenticeship with us, and what it’s like actually doing the job.

Why did you want to become an electrician? 

When i was in school I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, but I did know that I wanted to do something that was different. I wanted to do something that I wouldn’t get bored doing and that also had a lot of variety, so I didn’t have to do the same thing every day. I enjoyed Science, Maths and DT at school, so I thought an Electrician would be a good job; as its a trade and you will always need an Electrician. The pay is pretty good and the job has many different parts to it.

How did you get the job?

After arranging an interview I sorted my CV and Qualification certificates out and attended my interview. It all went smoothly and we sorted out a 1 month trial period so I could see if the job was for me. After that they offered me a full time placement and I started college at Bracknell and Wokingham College.

How are you doing now?

Now I have been here over a year, work has been going well and college even better. I am still enjoying my work and have seen so many improvements in myself and my work. I have passed my first year of collage and my driving test and I can’t wait to be fully qualified. The work was just as I thought it would be and I haven’t found myself bored at all, so this was one of the best decisions of my life and I think this job is for me.

How do Powercor support you?

As an apprentice I get a lot of help with everything, e.g. Questions, college work and more. Once a month we have a mentoring session that involves any questions I have, my monthly targets and my college work. I feel they are very helpful because I have something to aim for (monthly targets) and all my questions can be answered. 

As an employer, we invest time as well as money into our Apprentices. We meet with each Apprentice monthly and discuss any issues which may have arisen, to ensure our Apprentices get the support required. We rotate their on-site experience to all Electricians/Technicians and across all sectors of the business, to ensure they gain the full knowledge required for the ever changing industry and new technologies in the market place.

Powercor employ new Apprentices in June/July each year. If you are interested in becoming an Apprentice for Powercor, please get in touch.

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