Quality LED Lighting

Good quality LED Lighting products V’s poor quality. What’s the difference and how can you tell?

As with many products, there is a big difference between low and high quality and this is no different when it comes to LED lighting. 50,000 hours is a large amount of time. Does every led live up to this standard of life? There are a lot of promises by manufacturers but do they live up to expectation? Here is our top list of priorities you need to look out for when comparing LED’s from different manufacturers.



The weight of an LED light is typically linked to the amount of aluminium used within the product for use in heat dissipation. If the product is lighter then the heat is most probably not being dissipated correctly and the life expectancy of the LED is greatly shortened. The proof is seen within the cheap Chinese products.

LED Chip

LED chips are manufactured by various large and medium sized businesses across the globe, with Japan and the USA leading the market with the higher quality chips. These higher quality chips mean longer life and more reliability for the end user. Quality chips stem from the manufacture and size of the chips. It is more expensive to create larger chips compared to the smaller variations which provide less light, have a small life span and have reliability issues.

Power supply

Low quality components and low life capacitors make for unreliable LED’s. At Powercor we only supply LED’s from high quality manufacturers with the components working from 10,000 hours and upwards to 50,000 hours. Cheaper Chinese products will have a much lower working life, some as low as 1,000 hours.

Light quality

In order to manufacture a good quality LED, good quality phosphor needs to be used. The cheaper range of LED’s on the market tend to have low quality phosphor used in the manufacturing process, in order to get a cheaper price point entry into the market. Without the quality ingredients in the manufacturing process, the less quality one will have in the form of colour rendering


The key is to use LED products which are manufactured for a specific purpose. Low quality LED’s in the market can be used in multi-purpose environments. Design and planning of the space you would like to have LED is very important. This will allow for the right type of LED to be used which will in turn give a more professional purposeful feel to the space.


It is better to spend a bit more on the purchase of quality LED, than to go for a product which will omit bad light, will not last for a long lifetime and will require maintenance. Poor quality, cheaper, LED products will typically end up costing more in the end.


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[gdlr_heading tag=”h2″ size=”28px” color=”#ffffff” ]Good quality, long lasting LED products at competitive prices[/gdlr_heading]

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Because Powercor are a certified Philips valued added partner, we can supply quality products at a quality price. Please click the link below, to register to purchase products at discounted prices.

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[gdlr_button href=”http://ledtradeportal.co.uk/powercor” target=”_blank” size=”medium” background=”#6CACE4″ color=”#004C97″ with_border=”yes” border_color=”#004C97″]Click here for LED products at discounted prices[/gdlr_button]

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