The Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme is a Mandatory energy assessment and energy saving identification scheme for large undertakings (and their corporate groups). The scheme applies throughout the UK.
You are likely to be in the scope of ESOS if on the qualification date of 31st December 2014 you are;
- An under taking with more than 250 or more employees.
- An undertaking which has fewer than 250 employees but has:
- An annual turnover exceeding 50M euros and.
- A balance sheet exceeding 43M euros.
- Part of the corporate group which includes an undertaking which meets criteria (1) or (2).
In simplistic terms an ESOS Assessment requires participants to do three things:
- Measure your total energy consumption.
- Conduct energy audits to identify cost effective energy saving recommendations.
- Report compliance to the Environmental Agency (As the Schemes Administrator).
ESOS energy audits have the potential to increase your businesses profitability and competitiveness by identifying cost effective savings which if implemented will reduce energy consumption. Implementing energy saving measures identified through audits can also lead to other cost savings such as maintenance and waste disposal. Also saving energy is good for the UK as a whole, increasing energy security and playing our part with climate change.
The qualification date for the scheme is 31st December 2014, this means that by 5th December 2015, activity to support your ESOS Scheme must of taken place to be compliant.
Once you have identified your total energy consumption, you can then identify areas of significant energy usage under the scheme you will be expected to audit 90% of your total energy consumption, the other 10% is classed as minimis energy use. Audits must be carried out by an approved, recognized lead assessor associated with an approved register by the Environmental Agency. These can be in house or external individuals. You must ask your lead assessor to review your ESOS Assessment as a whole, However it remains the organisations responsibility to ensure this is carried out. You will need to notify the ESOS Scheme Administrator that you have completed your Audit by 5th December 2015.
Planning for ESOS
- Consider any energy management systems you have in place.
- Consider how to involve an ESOS lead assessor.
- Measure your total energy consumption.
- Identify areas of significant energy consumption.
Good practice for measuring energy consumption.
Collect and collate as much data as possible such as meter readings, bills, fuel or waste delivery notes.
- Within your accounting system define a report that incorporates all energy use and cost.
- Validate and cross check data i.e cross check meter readings with actual bills, or check against a previous period.
- Identify energy gaps and look to determine the data for the gap, using an alternative data source or the use of estimation.
- Attempt to make readings as accurate as possible, regular meter readings or install automatic meter reading AMR, data loggers.
- Monitor energy generated on site by Solar Photovoltaic or CHP.
- Install a reliable data storage system, allowing annual data storage.
Common energy saving opportunities
- Heating: Turn down heating controls, replace boilers, reduce hours of operation or weather compensators.
- Ventilation: Specify higher efficient motors or install variable speed drives.
- Air Conditioning: Review temperature settings and consider variable speed drives, use external air to cool.
- Lighting: Install Proximity switches, install day light harvesting, replace lighting luminaires with high efficient LED or energy efficient T5. (Find out more about reducing lighting energy consumption).
- Building Fabric: Install cavity wall insulation, install high efficient windows and doors.
- Building Control: Install computer based building management systems, ensure systems are correct for weather and occupancy of the building.
- Compliance Pack: Each ESOS participant is required to maintain an ESOS evidence pack detailing certain aspects of their compliance, these are to include:-
- Details of the undertakings making up your participant and identification of the responsible undertaking.
- Details of the responsibility at board levels and directors.
- Details of your lead assessor.
- The calculation of your total energy consumption.
- A list of identified areas of significant energy consumption.
- Details of the routes to compliance used to cover each area of significant energy usage.
For more information you can refer to the Department of Energy & Climate Change Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme.
Find out more about Powercor’s Energy Saving & Sustainability services.
Powercor has been working in the energy efficiency sector since 2007. Our dedicated department has helped organisations reduce their energy consumption, carbon emissions, annual running and maintenance costs.