connected lighting

Is “Connected Lighting” the future in ultra-intelligent lighting systems?

There are two words which always grab my attention, “connected” and “lighting”, especially when related to the electrical or electronics industries. It’s therefore no surprise that “Connected Lighting” gets all of my attention on every level. Philips are the leading innovators of this new technological blend of ultra-intelligent lighting system. However, it’s more than just a lighting system.

The infrastructure for Connected Lighting is P.O.E (Power Over Ethernet). P.O.E is an existing technology of which Philips have really pushed the boundaries to produce incredible results. To showcase the products’ clout, Philips have recently kitted out the whole of Deloitte’s HQ – ‘The Edge’ building in Amsterdam in an industry first, which is claimed to be the most innovative & sustainable office building in the world. Check out the Philips Connected Lighting install at Deloitte’s new HQ in Amsterdam.

[gdlr_heading tag=”h2″ font_weight=”bold” ]Why is Connected Lighting so smart?[/gdlr_heading]

Each lighting point or position is supplied by a data cable, integrated on the data network. Just a data cable. This cable not only supplies the required power to operate the Luminaire, but, because of the added smart technology built within, also sends information on temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide levels. Due to the data capabilities this also allows each user at each workstation to have full access and control to their personal lighting levels via their Smartphone or Tablet. Visual displays of their energy usage and temperature can also be seen on screen. This can also all be integrated with the building management system.

Philips connected lighting for offices

[gdlr_heading tag=”h2″ font_weight=”bold” ]Thinking big with Connected lighting[/gdlr_heading]

However this just touches the surface of the options and capabilities of Connected Lighting. The technology isn’t just suitable for commercial use and it will undoubtedly be the next big thing for residential applications too. Taking the technology even further, Philips are thinking of entire “Intelligent Cities” using Connected Lighting and the kinds of benefits that this will bring.

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[gdlr_heading tag=”h2″ size=”28px” color=”#ffffff” ]Connected Lighting from Powercor[/gdlr_heading]

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As a Value Added Partner for Philips you can expect Powercor to be involved and probably sooner than you think! If you would like to discuss the possibilities of Connected Lighting with us then please get in contact.

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