Fake Electricians – Do you know what to look out for?

As reputable Electrical Contractors we are very keen to ensure that the public are actively checking the ID and qualifications of electricians who enter their homes / businesses to carry out electrical work.

Prosecutions on unqualified electricians were a very rare occurrence, however a man from Ireland has recently (2015) been prosecuted for carrying out substandard work whilst claiming to be a qualified electrician.

Fake electricians are claiming they are qualified and/or registered electricians. In it estimated that there are up to 20,000 people like this carrying out electrical work up and down the UK on a daily basis, so it is a real and serious problem.

When electrical work is not carried out in accordance with the latest electrical regulations can be very dangerous and is illegal. The homeowner is put at risk of electrical shocks and electrical house fires.

In the case of the Irish fake electrician, the individual concerned was found guilty at Dublin Crown Court on two counts: illegally carrying out restricted electrical work and portraying himself as a registered electrical contractor.

The offences were committed under the Electricity Regulation Act 1999. All electricians working in the UK must work within this Act.

It is important that you ensure the electrician you plan to use is both qualified and registered. The best way of doing this is to look at the only Government approved register of electricians known as electrical Competent Person. The register lists all electricians in England and Wales who are approved to carry out electrical work for householders.

If the person who has told you they are an electrician is not on this list. Don’t fall for their charm. If they are not on the list, do not allow them to carry out any electrical work in your home.

ECS Cards

All of our engineers carry the relevant qualifications and our apprentices will only ever work with a fully qualified electrician. Our engineers all carry photo ID to prove they are employed by Powercor as well as an ECS (CSCS) card which lists their level and qualifications.

Never be afraid to ask the electrician to show you their ID and ECS card, if they have nothing to hide this will not a problem for them.

If you feel you have used the services of someone who is not a qualified electrician, the first step is to contact your Local Council. It is important to make it known to them that there is someone around who is carrying out electrical work in people’s homes who is not qualified to do so.

It is important to report these individuals to help safe guard other people in the future, if they have done this to you, they will do it to others and it needs to be stopped. Electricity is a very dangerous thing and the next person may not be as lucky as you to tell their tale.

Don’t get caught out -use a Reputable Electrical Contractor

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