Fluorescent tube lighting ban highlights the need for system change

The start of 2023 was a significant moment for the UK’s lighting industry and delivered a call to arms for facility managers to increase the speed of their buildings’ transition to up-to-date LED lighting systems ahead of a key August 2023 deadline that will see fluorescent tubing banned from sale in the UK. The UK […]

Powercor’s lighting and energy project proves a favourite with Queen Anne’s

A two-year project by Powercor with one of the top independent schools in the UK has become a best-practice case study of how a thorough approach to the use of cutting-edge technology and a solid, technical approach to energy provision can both accelerate a school’s transition to net zero emissions and drastically reduce energy costs. […]

Educating schools on how to save on their energy bill

Educating schools on how to save on their energy bill

Powercor’s Technical Director, Chris Wright, explains why the firm is determined to support schools in their efforts to deliver energy efficiencies and create the STEM stars of the future. Powercor is continuing to build on its expertise gained working with schools and education facilities across the UK as the drive towards net zero gathers pace. It […]

Light as a Service – install the latest lighting systems at no upfront cost.

Light as a service

For companies, educational and sports facilities of all sizes the need to have effective and efficient lighting systems is a must. As the country reopens its doors as the COVID restrictions ease, Powercor has launched its new Light as a Service (LaaS) scheme which will enable businesses to install the latest LED lighting systems with […]


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