Palmerston Bowls Club save 45% on Electricity by using Philips Lighting installed by Powercor

Powercor were approached by Palmerston Bowls club due to the dire need to upgrade their existing lighting. Not only was the lighting of poor quality, but it compromised the clubs ambition to host International bowling events.

There were a number of areas which needed to be addressed:-

  1. Lighting design was needed to substantiate the amount of LED lighting required to fill the space with sufficient LED luminaires
  2. Cost and returns needed to be competitive for the club to invest within the technology
  3. A strong after sales service was required by Powercor Ltd
  4. Guarantee on product was very important
  5. Install needed to be carried out within a week

Powercor were able to fulfill all the above criteria with the 900 + members of Palmerston Bowls club giving the approval and a fantastic reference to Powercor.

We now have a vastly improved lighting system which uses a quality product (Phillips) – many returning to bowl this week have been very complimentary about this and I have not
heard any negative opinions. I’m sure I can speak for the rest of the Board in saying that we are very satisfied with the end product, and all that led up to it, and
would have no hesitation in recommending Powercor to any club thinking of moving to LED lighting

Andrew Miller

Palmerston Company Secretary

Not only have the club improved their lighting, they have also improved the facilities for their member and are saving in the circa of 45% off their electricity costs.

If you would like to discuss anything with regards to lighting design, supply & install of Philips lighting, please contact us.


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